29 December 2012

A Squatter Christmas

Our Glorious Tree

Happy holidays from Mr. and Mrs. Squatter! We put our 4 day weekend to good use, though most of it involved running errands to prepare for doings. The highlight was definitely the creation of our new light fixture, which now proudly hangs in our foyer with Albie the Ram.

24 December 2012

I Want Your Skull

I think I mentioned that while visiting Mr. Squatters parents in Albuquerque we bought a ram skull. Well, he arrived and I named him Albie. Here's a photo telling of his life with us so far:

20 December 2012

Now We're Really Cooking!

One of the (many) issues of being only partly moved into a house that is more of a project than a home is trying to feed ourselves. We'd gotten into the bad habit of not eating during the day, then walking to the Radio Room for dinner in the evening when we were to exhausted to think of even microwaving anything to fill our bellies with. Though quite tasty, this was good for neither our health nor our bank accounts. Over the weekend we got a fridge and stove/ oven, and yesterday we finally picked up our food from the old house and hit the grocery store like proper people. We still lack cupboards and counters, though, and are in over our heads when it comes to necessary projects that need to be done around the place. We're using our portable bar as a makeshift pantry for food, and have a cardboard box on its side to house kitchen appliances. 

18 December 2012

Quick Update

We are officially squatting! We have yet to have internet connected and are spending our days moving/ unpacking, so these posts will be a bit fewer and far between for awhile. But here's some of what's going on:

Lexington Packed Up

14 December 2012

It's Here.

Tonight when Mr. Squatter gets off of work, he is driving home in the company's giant box truck. You know what that means: WE ARE MOVING INTO THE SQUAT. For the next couple (rainy) days we will be loading/unloading, fighting, and crying. I'm not even being negative here, just realistic. Moving SUCKS.

Anyway, here's what's happened in the last few days. Excuse the crappy phone pictures. I misplaced my camera, then forgot to put a memory card in it when I finally found it and took it over to the GS.

This is the previously mentioned doorway shelf in the kitchen, shown with a sample of my faux exposed brick. Obviously when it's done the entire wall will be covered, and the tones will be on the orange-y side, not the pinkish of the test panel. I just used what we had laying around.

11 December 2012

A Post for Corey

Corey asks, I deliver, so here's a quick morning update. I didn't have my camera with me last night, so you'll have to use your imaginations.

I spent yesterday packing at the Lexington house, then met Josh at the Squat when he got off work. Remember this poorly constructed door frame shelving in the "kitchen?"

09 December 2012


I wanted to give you all a status update on the actual Squat, so you get two posts in one day! We were planning on spending today relaxing at home, avoiding any sort of moving/ remodel activity. We were going to spend the day in our pajamas, cuddling with our kitties (Paddy is on the mend, BTW!) and watching movies.

Paddy O'Whiskers helping me pack 12/1

By noon we were heading to Alberta, just to install some overhead lighting and touch up the trim paint before having more carpet laid. When we arrived, it was way too cold to paint. While waiting for the heat to kick in, I asked Josh what he thought was under the shingle siding on our "foyer" walls.

Breaking Squat

Starting Wednesday the 5th, Josh and I took a break from rehabbing and visited his parents in New Mexico. We spent a few days in luxury we are oh so unaccustomed to these days, and had a whirlwind trip filled with breathtaking views, great food, lovely company, and-- don't be jealous-- BREAKING BAD!
Tom, Josh, Tina and the airport from Breaking Bad!

We drove around Albuquerque looking at filming sights (Walt and Jesse's houses, Los Pollos Hermanos, the carwash, etc.), and stumbled upon a security guard who was more than happy to tell us the filming schedule for the next couple days. We got to watch scenes being filmed live! The fangirl in me was thrilled to be about ten feet away from my fake boyfriend Aaron Paul, and it was pretty amazing to watch/ listen to Bryan Cranston directing. I agreed not to publish any pictures that are spoilers of sorts, but enjoy these other familiar sights.

03 December 2012

In which hope returns

Today Mr. Squatter dropped me off at the squat on his way to work, around 6:45am. I got to painting by 7:15, and finally returned home about 30 minutes ago. I am posting this from bed, and will cram in a couple hours of sleep before returning at the same time tomorrow. But I must share, as there are finally signs of progress!

After finishing up the second coats of paint in the record and bedrooms, it became apparent that the colors we had chosen and spent the last couple days applying were hideous. The light grey in the record room appeared lavender, and the lighter khaki-ish contrast was an awful tone that I can only describe as "doll flesh beige." The combination made it look like a nursery. This obviously was not going to work in Josh's manly den. Unfortunately the lighting was so bad this morning that I couldn't get my white balance right, so you'll have to take my word for it.

We don't have a baby.

The darker grey we had chosen for the bedroom was almost okay, but when natural light hit it also appeared to be a dark purple. Also, we'd decided to save money by buying Home Depot paint, which is always a terrible idea. Behr sucks. We all know that.

As luck would have it, our landlady sent a friend over to haul some junk out of the basement and yard, and he happens to be a professional painter. He sent me to Rodda with his info, where I was able to use his discount on replacement paint: yay! The new colors seem to be working out much better.

In the meantime, we had our first guests at the squat today. First our friend Sunday stopped by, followed by my father a few minutes later. As predicted, he is NOT happy about the living situation. He's horrified. They spent a good deal of time trying to convince me that the house is far from livable, and that we need to break our lease before moving in. I was feeling pretty down and defeated, and was racking my brain for other options.

02 December 2012


Yesterday we finally got access to The Squat. We spent the morning feeling nervous, excited and-- above all-- nauseous as hell. We got inside to a space much warmer and well insulated than expected. Yay! We also discovered a kitchen that not only lacks any shelves and/or counters (as we knew was the case), but is also missing any appliances. You know, like a stove. Or fridge. We simply have a graffiti-covered room.
 We began priming, only to learn that much of the spray paint used for the wall "art" was oil-based, which prevented the water-based Kilz from adhering.

 In the sink room off the kitchen, we found a loose broken faucet and sink.counter that aren't secured. Phew.

 The overhead light in the bathroom was broken, and the lid of the powder blue padded toilet seat was broken off. The hot water faucet on the vintage sink barely ran as a slow trickle, and I won't even get started on the low door and paint job.

26 November 2012

The Cupboards were Bare

The countdown is on! We drop off our first month's rent and get our keys (or key code, as the case may be) on Thursday or Friday. Then it's a week of painting, measuring and many trips to ReStore. 

We got boxes and packing materials from a Twitter buddy over the weekend, and have been busy at work since. The walls are bare, the cupboards are empty, and the nearby Goodwill is overflowing with our discarded stuff. Looks like we won't be cooking for the next few days. This week's food is all gonna be comprised of our last meals from our favorite neighborhood restaurants. Honestly, the thought of no longer being down the street from Super Torta and their amazing staff and pico makes me want to cry. But I guess part of moving is finding a new burrito joint where they know your order based off of your phone number showing up on the caller ID. I don't think anyone will ever be able to tease me as well as those guys, though. I love you, Super Torta!

20 November 2012

This is how it began.

Before we even viewed our new house, we knew it was going to take a lot of work. When we post pictures of the place you will all definitely think we've lost our minds, and my dad will probably insist we back out on our lease immediately. We, however could not be more excited. We have something better than a blank canvas; sometimes what a person does to a canvas actually make it look worse. What we have is a graffiti-covered canvas that can only get better.

We signed the lease last Friday afternoon, and Josh quickly learned to ignore the flood of emails I send him, containing paint color ideas, plans for new headboards and questions about ceiling tiles. I've spent a ridiculous amount of time perusing webpages for ideas, and already have so many plans for the bathroom that we'll have to redo it every 6 months to use them all. Many of the ideas are unrealistic; they're great in theory, but in execution have the potential to look very "Trading Spaces" DIY.