02 December 2012


Yesterday we finally got access to The Squat. We spent the morning feeling nervous, excited and-- above all-- nauseous as hell. We got inside to a space much warmer and well insulated than expected. Yay! We also discovered a kitchen that not only lacks any shelves and/or counters (as we knew was the case), but is also missing any appliances. You know, like a stove. Or fridge. We simply have a graffiti-covered room.
 We began priming, only to learn that much of the spray paint used for the wall "art" was oil-based, which prevented the water-based Kilz from adhering.

 In the sink room off the kitchen, we found a loose broken faucet and sink.counter that aren't secured. Phew.

 The overhead light in the bathroom was broken, and the lid of the powder blue padded toilet seat was broken off. The hot water faucet on the vintage sink barely ran as a slow trickle, and I won't even get started on the low door and paint job.

We spent the better part of the day working on the back two rooms, which will be the bedroom and den/ record room. The former had the world's worst light fixture ever:

The record room closet contained a creepy hole that peered through to the basement, and the word "HELP" written in chalk on the wall.

Josh found many egg sacks in the door thingy he removed in our "foyer."

So... anyone want to talk of out of this? We may be willing to listen. So far this whole thing feels like the beginning of an American Horror Story type situation.

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